Reserve your Flight online

Date :Saturday 22nd June 2024
Time : 11:45
Location : Brevent (planpraz) ?

Passenger Details

First Name Last Name
Age : ?
Gender :
Weight : ?
Height :
Conversion tool

Contact and Other details

Email address :
Mobile telephone number: ? Valid Invalid number
Are you on WhatsApp?: ?
Dates & times available to fly (in case of postponement or advancing due to adverse weather):


Holiday Address : ?


How did you hear about Fly Chamonix ?:

I understand & accept the cancellation policy (see below):

If we need to postpone or cancel the flight due to weather conditions we will try to contact you by e.mail or if neccessary by text message. Your number will never be released to anybody else or used in any marketing.
This gives us an idea of how far you will be travelling on the day of the flight and offers an alternative means of contacting you if you are staying in a hotel. If we see that you are travelling from a long way away we would try to give you more advance notice if the weather looked unfavourable.
This is important information as it affects the time of day that you can fly but feel free to offer an approximation ± 10kg does not make a lot of difference. Under 40kg passengers must fly early 9h or 8h10 (15th July – 20th August) before the winds increase. Sub 40kg passengers take precedence over heavier passengers. (i.e. we can usually fly a heavier passenger early but not a light passenger later). Weight is less critical during the winter but being able to run is !
Our absolute maximum male weight limit is ax 95kg (female 80kg) but you must be particularly athletic once above 80 kg (70 kg female).
For heavier passengers we ask your height so as to have an idea of how the weight may be arranged & if we can have a harness that fits.
This helps us to to offer the most suitable flying conditions. We can also better understand how likely you are to be able to run effectively. Certain flights are less suitable for children.
If we need to contact you, we usually try to do so by e.mail, however if we know that you can only receive e.mail in a WiFi zone we would attempt to contact you by text message if you are likely to be away from WiFi.
let us know any comments or remarks you might have…

When selecting the flight, please respect the location suggested for your chosen time (do not select other locations as they will not be available)

*If we do not have availability for your chosen time, we will suggest other suitable times.

NB: If you do not receive an instant automated reply, please check the email address that you supplied. We will confirm your booking & send pre flight details within several hours. Until you receive our reply the booking request is unconfirmed. Please await our confirmation before making any payment.

Cancellation Policy

Individuals & couples: we will not usually ask you to pay a deposit but will trust you to show up as accepted – please understand that we will undoubtedly refuse other flights.

Cancellation policy: Within 48 hours of the flight time, 70% payment is due unless we are provided with a doctors statement. If we have to cancel due to weather you do not pay us anything – decisions regarding weather are the sole responsibility of Fly Chamonix.

You are welcome to wait until the day of your flight to pay but please note that, in this case, we can only accept payments in cash (Euros) or travellers cheques or French bankers cheque which should be made immediately after the flight. We cannot accept any other means of payment after the flight.

Credit Card or Paypal payments can only be accepted if made prior to the day of your flight. If you cannot fly because of adverse weather you will be refunded the full amount less any Paypal admin charges.
Credit card & Paypal payments incur a 3€ surcharge as a contribution towards Paypal commission charges that we are charged.

Lift tickets are not included in our prices.

Certain locations are not available at certain times of the year due to lift closure.Plan d’Aiguille: Open from 1st September.

If we need to postpone or cancel the flight due to weather conditions we will try to contact you by email or if necessary by text message. Your number will never be released to anybody else or used in any marketing.
This gives us an idea of how far you will be travelling on the day of the flight and offers an alternative means of contacting you if you are staying in a hotel. If we see that you are travelling from a long way away we would try to give you more advance notice if the weather looked unfavourable.
This is important information as it affects the time of day that you can fly but feel free to offer an approximation ± 10kg does not make a lot of difference. Under 40kg passengers must fly early 8h45h before the winds increase. Sub 40kg passengers take precedence over heavier passengers. (i.e. we can usually fly a heavier passenger early but not a light passenger later). Weight is less critical during the winter but being able to run is !
Our absolute maximum male weight limit is 95kg (female 80kg) but you must be particularly athletic once above 80 kg (70 kg female).
For heavier passengers we ask your height so as to have an idea of how the weight may be arranged & if we can have a harness that fits.
This helps us to to offer the most suitable flying conditions. We can also better understand how likely you are to be able to run effectively. Certain flights are less suitable for children.
If we need to contact you, we usually try to do so by email, however if we know that you can only receive email in a Wi-Fi zone we would attempt to contact you by text message if you are likely to be away from Wi-Fi.
let us know any comments or remarks you might have…